Your identity – who you choose to be plays a significant role in your experience and results.
Most of the time we’re working extremely hard to create different outcomes in our businesses and lives, unaware that we’re coming from the same place over and over again expecting something to new to happen.
With deep intentions we set out to create change only for our commitments to quickly give way to old habits and patterns.
Not because we’re not trying hard enough but because this change is out of alignment with our current understanding and experience of who we are.
Our past experiences, emotions, beliefs and stories drive our thoughts, decisions and actions which shapes our identity.
Highly focused on what we want – the vision, the goals, the checked boxes – we’re missing the key which is to deeply understand and embody who we desire to become.
Imagine what might happen if you intimately understood who you were becoming and knew how to step into that elevated version of yourself using one simple very personal tool at any given moment.
Here’s what does happen…
* Your limiting stories shift as you experience yourself differently.
* You start building trust and making empowered decisions with a new level of confidence.
* Your habits stick because they’re in alignment with your identity.
By consistently showing up and navigating your business and life from this new place… things change.
* You feel great while reaching your fitness goals.
* You start taking care of your finances and the money flows in.
* You launch your program, publish that book, sell your art.
* You stop doing all the things in your business and finally hire support.
Things just get easier and don’t we all need a bit of that right now?
As the world does, it powerfully starts reflecting your new way of being back to you. Opportunities show up, the unexpected happens and that far off goal becomes a reality.
If you’d like to learn how to create this unique to you tool to tuck in your pocket and make some changes in your business and life…. Join us for The Business of YOU {FREE} Workshop.
In addition, you’ll understand the architecture of your business and what being the CEO really means. You’ll create an expanded vision, get really clear on your impact goals for 2022 and you’ll start crafting your CEO schedule to support you.
This workshop is live, free and could quite possibly be game-changing for you.
This is not some BS hype… It has been as impactful for myself and my clients as it sounds.
“I have gone from a “shy”, unsure person to a confident CEO getting shit done! The best thing is how much happier and more confident I am.” – Lorraine Caple, Tapestry Gardens
Join us, Friday, March 18th @ 10 AM PST on Zoom. (If you can’t join live, YES there is a replay)
If you took this workshop last year I highly recommend that you join us again! You’ll focus on your 2022 expanded vision and re-commit to stepping into that elevated version of YOU.
If you’ve already signed up, I can’t wait to dive in with you!
If there’s someone who you know this would resonate with please forward this email to them or share on IG here.W
Here’s to choosing differently.