Anchor Yourself Through Reflection {FREE MID-YEAR REFLECTION WORKBOOK}

And just like that, it’s the end of July. It’s hot here on the West Coast and I’m most definitely full swing in the meantime… and I sense I’m not alone. In the meantime seems to be when those moments of magic happen. When we let go and lean a little deeper into…
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Days OFF, dragonflies & the power of reflection & celebration. {YOUR FREE MID YEAR REVIEW WORKBOOK & PODCAST}

How is your summer? I planned on taking part of last week off while road tripping to Nelson. I had visions of hiking in the mornings, working by the lake during the day and playing in the evenings. I tried it for one day and at the end of that…
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Happy New Year and hello expectations and overwhelm…

Happy New Year Wise Warrior,     I hope you deeply enjoyed your holiday experience! The New Year is here and let’s be honest – you may or may not be quite so ready for it.   As a girl who loves dancing with visions and possibility and totally digs mapping…
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Ready to reflect + gain insight from the year so far? {LOVE THIS MID-YEAR REVIEW TEMPLATE – INSIDE}

 WOW we are almost half way through the year already!  Whether you are wrapping up the end of the school year or prepping projects and work so you can take some time off this summer – at this time of year, it’s easy to miss out on doing one very…
Read moreabout:Ready to reflect + gain insight from the year so far? {LOVE THIS MID-YEAR REVIEW TEMPLATE – INSIDE}

Spring tantrums + the magic in radical decisions that come in small packages

 Expansion * Friction * Growth   Spring is that time of year when the sun starts to shine on the seeds that were planted; new ideas, stories and ways of being in the world crave breathing space. Working so hard to emerge through the thawing ground, there’s tension between the old…
Read moreabout:Spring tantrums + the magic in radical decisions that come in small packages