transparency, vulnerability + radical responsibility sucks!

There are spoken and unspoken rules many of us have about how much to share and when. What is appropriate/attractive for people to hear, see and read, and what is just too messy or raw to digest? Which, I am sure, is the reason why our Facebook feeds seem to…
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Spring tantrums + the magic in radical decisions that come in small packages

 Expansion * Friction * Growth   Spring is that time of year when the sun starts to shine on the seeds that were planted; new ideas, stories and ways of being in the world crave breathing space. Working so hard to emerge through the thawing ground, there’s tension between the old…
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the power of play, summer bucket lists + the most important moments of your life (template included)

It’s hard to believe summer is just around the corner! I often ask my clients what their lives are calling them to focus on. Recently, I’ve noticed, my life asking me to pay a lot more attention to “play” + “fun”. In fact, fun was the theme I chose for…
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three super valuable ways to start your year + your annual review template

2014 is here. And it’s not too late to take a moment to tap into three really valuable things you can do to start your New Year in alignment. 1. Give yourself permission to want what you want & change your story to make it happen! Everything you think about…
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the bridge, ditching “realistic” goals & gratitude

The bridge between completion & new beginnings, the mundane & the extraordinary,  your now & your potential… It’s without fail, during the week between Christmas & the New Year, I pendulum swing between resistance to the unfinished business of the past, grande visions of the future & just about everything…
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