Financial Independence is one of the best decisions you will ever make

I’ve been talking a lot about money recently.

  • How your relationship to money directly impacts every area in your life
  • How your limiting money stories can block your ability to grow your business and create greater financial independence
  • How if you’re not deeply rooted in your own definition of financial success that there’s a very good chance you’re chasing someone else’s dream
  • How little time we actually spend focusing on taking care of money and with small consistent actions how quickly this can change
  • How your dance with money can be one of the greatest sources of ongoing stress and anxiety or it can be the birthplace for becoming more empowered and free

Taking responsibility for your financial independence is one of the best decisions you will ever make.

And it can be so much easier to shift out of overwhelm, get organized, feel abundant and make more money than you may have experienced in the past.

Which is why I decided to launch The Entrepreneurs’ Money Immersion!

I created a NEW INSIDE LOOK at the program so you know exactly what you can expect and what’s included. This video reviews the program structure, the course platform AND the workbooks and templates. (This is a new video than the one I sent out last week)

If you say YES to joining the program and spend just a few hours a week over the next 8 weeks doing the work, you’ll be in a very different relationship with your money so you can spend the rest of the year, reaching your financial goals with more clarity, focus and ease.

If you know that money is something you really want to figure out but you’re already feeling stretched, burnt out and not sure this is the right time… I get it!

Frankly, it’s been a hell of a year for so many and we’re still not quite on the other side of this pandemic.

I also know that what adds to the stress and exhaustion is not having a clear understanding of your financial path forward.

When you lean into a structure, have a step by step method to follow, a wealth of support and the willingness to do something different, with a bit of time and focus there’s an incredible amount of energy and freedom that starts to flow!

The Entrepreneurs’ Money Immersion registration closes Sunday. (This is the first time running this program in this format live and I currently do not have this scheduled to run live again until early 2022.)

There are live sessions help in June and July and you have access to the program training, materials and tools for 12 months so you can go at your own pace. And all of the live sessions are recorded.

There are no countdown timers. No fast action bonuses. No false FOMO. First, I don’t believe in using those scarcity tactics and second especially when it comes to money, if you don’t feel good about it then you already have a deep sense of urgency to figure it out because you know how important it is and you certainly don’t need more pressure.

I’m deeply invested in the success of those who say YES to this program and it would be awesome to have you join us!

It’s not only going to be deeply empowering but you’re about to find out how much fun it can be to dance with your money in a whole new way!

If you have any questions at all, please email me at



* FINANCIAL BARRIER: If you are all in and devoted to doing the work inside the program and there’s a financial barrier to you joining the program at this time, hit reply to this email.

** LISTEN IN (15 Mins): I had a great time doing an IG Live with Carla Contreras last week where we jammed on all things money and entrepreneurship HERE.

*** THIRVE ARE STUDIO NETWORK: If you are a member of Thrive with Jamie Smith and you want to join The Entrepreneurs’ Money Immersion, hit reply to this email.