And just like that summer is here in this part of the world!
This season can bring long, relaxed, free flowing summer nights right alongside full schedules and the pressure to wrangle kids, entertain visitors, plan trips while keeping business humming and work projects going.
In my last blog, I wrote about the unspoken dread of summer, the fear of bathing suits and how it’s the moments of being able to be fully present that are in fact what we crave the most.
What can easily get lost in the kick off of this season is taking the time to get crystal clear on how you want to feel… I mean really feel and what you actually want so you wrap this summer feeling nourished and fulfilled.
Which is why this time every year, I invite you to set the “shoulds” aside for a few minutes and give yourself permission to write your SUMMER BUCKET LIST.
Your Summer Bucket List is NOT just a list of things to do. It’s a call to focus on the meaningful experiences that you want to create.
This simple template includes:
- YOUR SUMMER THEME (adventure, rejuvenate, nourish, family, creative).
- HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL (joyful, free, abundant, grounded, creative).
- WHAT YOU WANT TO DO (to support your theme and desired experience)
Download the EDITABLE PDF TEMPLATE and type in the template or print it and hand write your list.
* VERY IMPORTANT* Make sure you download the template to your desktop and re-open it to type in the fields, otherwise, your content won’t save.
Print a copy for each family member so you can tune into the experiences your loved one’s crave and/or create your Family Summer Bucket List. Hang it on your fridge as a daily reminder of how you want to feel and have fun checking off your list.
As you move into your summer, please remember that the greatest magic in our lives is really in the moments found in between the big plans…playing cards as you wait for the ferry, roasting marshmallows, watching the humming birds, water fights, impromptu hikes… the ones that are so easy to miss.
And if you’re struggling with having the time this summer then you might want to listen the recent episode of the THRIVE TALKS PODCAST where Jamie and Tara and I dive deep into our relationship with time, strategies to create more and why I think balance is bullshit.
Here’s to a summer that truly fuels and nourishes you!